* All participants must NOT have previous recording experience in any sorts. ‘Rap Challenge’ is done for the purpose of spotting new talents and giving them an opportunity to expose themselves to the mainstream.

* If any participant happens to disobey the requirements, the Organisers have the rights to disqualify the entry without any notice, unless there are any special cases that can be taken into consideration.

* All participants should have a valid Facebook account and must be a member of these 3 groups as the competition is open ONLY for the members of these 3 groups : (We are not associated with Facebook or promoting its services)

- Orange Disc Entertainment [ODE]Group

- Local Artiste Support Tamil [L.A.S.T]Group

- MalaysiaMix.comFan Page

* There will be 2 rounds in this competition.

- Round 1 : Audition (10 participants will be chosen by judges for Round 2)

- Round 2 : Web Voting (audition recordings will be posted here for 20 Days for poll voting)

* Participants are allowed to promote the voting of their recording using any media channel but they shall not misuse the name of the organisers at any cost.

* To avoid multiple votes from the same IP Address, votes will be counted as (1 vote per IP Address)

* Registration Fee: RM 10.00 per participant. (to be paid ONLY at the registration counter on audition day). Multiple registrations are strictly not allowed.

* Beat should be downloaded only from here or the links given at . No additional tampering should be done to the existing beat.

* Participants are required to write lyrics and compose melody by their own for intro, verse and chorus for the prepared beat. On audition day, they are required to perform their creation on stage viewed live by judges and other participants. Judges decisions are final.

* Top 3 participants with the highest votes will be introduced to the mainstream by featuring in Haze Freaky-G's upcoming album. Participants / Winners may be needed to join any promo section organized by Organisers in case if there is any.